Final Workshop
The Final Workshop of the CAESAR project will be held in Rome, at the auditorium of the Italian Space Agency (ASI) headquarters (via del Politecnico snc, 00133), on 24 May 2024.
All participants are asked to register on this registration form by 8 May 2024.
Reception at the ASI guardhouse will be from 8.30 to 9.00 a.m.
For those who will reach ASI by car, it is possible to park free of charge in the Engineering parking area (entrance adjacent to ASI).

Detailed programme of the event
08:30 Reception and Registration
09:00 ExecutiveBoard: Welcome
09:10 M. Laurenza(INAF): The CAESAR project: goals, organization, and final results
10:00 F. Berrilli(UNITOV): Photosphere
10:10 F. Zuccarello(UNICT): Chromosphere
10:20 C. Campi(UNIGE): Corona
10:30 F. Lepreti(UNICAL): Solar Wind perturbations
10:40 M. Laurenza(INAF): SEP and ESP events
10:50 – 11:20 Coffee break
11:20 M. F. Marcucci(INAF): Solar Wind-Magnetosphere coupling and Earth’s Magnetosphere
11:30 R. Battiston(UNITN): Wave-Particle interaction
11:40 E. Pietropaolo(UNIAQ): Geomagnetic effects
11:50 S. Massetti(INAF):Magnetosphere-Ionosphere coupling via ground-based observations
12:00 F. Giannattasio(INGV):Magnetosphere-Ionosphere coupling via satellite data
12:10 S. L. Ivanovski(INAF): Modeling of Planetary Magnetospheres and Atmospheres
12:20 V. Mangano(INAF): Hermean environment
12:30 V. DiFelice(INFN): GCR short term variations
12:40 B. Bertucci(UNIPG): GCR long term variations
12:50 R. Tozzi(INGV): Technological impact of Space Weather
13:00 L. Narici(UNITOV): Human Exploration
13:10 – 13:30 Scientific open discussion and question time
13:30 – 14:30 Lunch
14:30 D. DelMoro(UNITOV): The basics of the ASPIS prototype, its Architecture and the Database
14:45 V. Formato(INFN): ASPIS Metadata and wiki pages
15:00 C. Magnafico(INAF): ASPIS Web app & demonstration
15:40 – 15:50 Coffee break
15:50 F. Benvenuto(UNIGE): Overview of the library
16:00 M. Stumpo (INAF): and causal chains
16:20 M. Laurenza(INAF)&D. DelMoro(UNITOV): Today’s ASPIS: where we stand and lessons learned
16:35 – 17:05 Technical open discussion and question time
17:05 S. Ivanovski(INAF): Dissemination and outreach
17:20 – 17:30: Final Remarks
WP3300 is in charge of the organization of the Final Workshop to present the scientific results of CAESAR.
This includes the definition of the program, the scheduling of the contributes and events, and the Dissemination of the Workshop program and presentations