Earth’s Magnetosphere
The magnetosphere is a very complex system composed by different plasma regions pervaded by large scale currents systems. The coordinated study of in situ plasma and magnetic field measurements and multi-scale ground based observations of geospace parameters is mandatory to efficiently and correctly model the magnetosphere dynamics. To this purpose, this WP will analyse CLUSTER, THEMIS and MMS plasma and magnetic field data and perform the Walèn test in order to study the occurrence of reconnection at the magnetospheric boundaries. Moreover, the parameters needed for defining the magnetosheath plasma environment will be derived using the work of Spreiter et al. (1966) and magnetospheric currents will be evaluated using the Tsyganenko model and GOES data. Finally, it will be studied the role played by Alfvénic fluctuations in the generation of high intensity auroral activity (D’Amicis et al 2007) and in the modulation of the recovery phase of the geomagnetic storms (Telloni et al., 2021).